“Plant spacious parks in your cities, and loose their gates as wide as the morning, to the whole people.”
-a.j. downing

Once an expertly maintained conservatory on Johns Hopkins expansive estate Clifton Park, the structure has almost been lost to nature and neglect.

Our history of highly successful work for The Friends of Clifton Mansion in the restoration of the Clifton Mansion has now brought the attention of The Friends of Clifton Mansion to preserving this building known as the Gardner’s Cottage at Clifton Park.
This undertaking began with stabilizing the site and surgical removal of overgrowth, trees, and rubbish from the years of misuse. Being a building that had not been in use, expert care was given to ensure that the foundation and walls were maintained during this cleanup.
We documented the existing conditions of the building envelope using laser scanning. Aerial surveillance and scanning will provide the remaining details of the the current state of affairs with the Cottage.

Throughout 2020 we will oversee the redesign and careful redrafting of the building’s design and will implement the plan of preservation. Artifacts of this nature cannot speak for themselves, therefore we have partnered with many researchers and resources in developing a faithful approach to reestablishing this structure to become yet another important focal point of Clifton Park

To learn more about the preservation effort of Clifton Mansion please visit https://www.friendsofcliftonmansion.org